PR (Pull Request) Review Guide

Introduction PR reviews are an essential activity for collaboration. By reviewing PRs, we can improve the quality of code and facilitate smoother communication among team members. In this post, we’ll explore the things to keep in mind and the best practices to follow when performing a PR review. Purpose of PR Reviews The main purposes of performing a PR review are: Improve code quality: By reviewing code from the perspective of another developer, we can write better code. Early detection of bugs and potential issues: By having multiple eyes on the code, we can spot issues that the author may have missed. Share knowledge: The code review process allows team members to share their knowledge and experiences with each other. Maintain consistency: We can ensure that the team’s coding style and conventions are being followed consistently. PR Review Checklist To ensure an effective PR review, the following aspects should be checked: ...

July 31, 2024 · 3 min · 439 words · In-Jun Hwang

Using Git Stash: A Quick Guide to Saving and Restoring Changes

Introduction Git, a well-known distributed version control system (DVCS), provides a comprehensive suite of features for managing a project’s history and collaborating effectively. While working with Git, situations arise where you want to switch to a different branch while you have uncommitted changes. Attempting to switch branches without committing your changes results in an error message like the following: 1 2 3 4 error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout: file.txt Please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches. Aborting This error indicates that changes in the file file.txt are blocking the branch switch. In such scenarios, you have the option to either commit your changes or temporarily save them. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to temporarily save your changes using Git stash, allowing you to switch to a different branch. ...

July 26, 2024 · 3 min · 609 words · In-Jun Hwang

Git Branch Naming: For Effective Collaboration

Introduction Git is an essential version control tool in modern software development. Effective Git usage involves systematic branch management, and following a consistent branch naming convention is a crucial part of it. In this post, we will discuss the fundamental rules and best practices for Git branch naming. Basic Naming Conventions Here are the basic branch naming conventions: Use lowercase: Branch names should always be in lowercase. Use hyphens (-): Separate words with hyphens. Be concise: Keep branch names concise but descriptive. Use English: Favor English for global accessibility. Example: feature-user-authentication ...

July 23, 2024 · 2 min · 331 words · In-Jun Hwang

Effective Git Commit Management: Beyond Clean Code to a Clean History

Introduction Version control systems, particularly Git, have become indispensable tools in modern software development. However, merely using Git is not enough. Effective commit management practices significantly impact project success and team productivity. In this article, we will explore how to manage Git commits more effectively. Specifically, we will focus on three key strategies: applying the Single Responsibility Principle, committing frequently, and reviewing commits before pushing. 1. Apply the Single Responsibility Principle Apply the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP), one of the SOLID principles of software design, to your Git commits. ...

July 13, 2024 · 3 min · 581 words · In-Jun Hwang

Effective Commit Message Writing Guidelines

In software development, version control is an essential aspect. Among its various components, commit messages play a pivotal role in maintaining project history and facilitating seamless team collaboration. Well-written commit messages not only ease code reviews but also simplify bug tracking and enhance the overall quality of a project. In this article, we will delve into the guidelines for writing effective commit messages and explore their significance. 1. Separate Subject from Body: Convey Crisp Information A commit message should be structured with a subject and a body. This enables a quick grasp of the gist and allows for detailed inspection when necessary. ...

July 12, 2024 · 4 min · 686 words · In-Jun Hwang