Let’s dive into a detailed explanation of how to create Pull Requests (PRs) using GitHub CLI. GitHub CLI is a tool that allows you to perform GitHub operations directly from the terminal, enabling efficient work without going through the GUI interface.

1. Introduction to GitHub CLI

GitHub CLI (gh) is GitHub’s official command-line tool that enables you to use most GitHub features from the terminal. The main benefits of this tool include:

  • Efficiency: Perform GitHub operations using only the keyboard, without using a mouse
  • Automation: Integrate GitHub operations into scripts
  • Consistency: Use the same commands across all platforms

2. Installing GitHub CLI

The installation method for GitHub CLI varies depending on your operating system. Here are the installation methods for major platforms:


sudo apt update
sudo apt install gh


brew install gh


Windows users can download and install the installer from the GitHub CLI installation page.

After installation, you can verify the installation by checking the version:

gh --version

3. GitHub CLI Authentication

Before using GitHub CLI, you need to authenticate with your GitHub account. Start the authentication process with:

gh auth login

If you choose browser authentication, a browser window will open requesting GitHub login. After logging in, return to the CLI to complete authentication.

To verify successful authentication:

gh auth status

This command shows current authentication status and connected account information.

4. Preparing Local Repository

Before creating a PR, you need to prepare your local repository. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your repository:

    cd path/to/your/repository
  2. Fetch latest changes:

    git fetch origin
    git pull origin main # or your default branch name
  3. Create and switch to new branch:

    git checkout -b feature/new-feature
  4. Make changes: Apply necessary changes to your code

  5. Stage and commit changes:

    git add .
    git commit -m "feat: add new feature"
  6. Push new branch to remote:

    git push -u origin feature/new-feature

5. Creating a PR

Now you’re ready to create a PR. Here’s how to create one using GitHub CLI:

gh pr create

This command will prompt you for the following information:

  1. PR title
  2. PR body (description)
  3. Target branch for the PR (typically main or master)

You can also provide this information directly using command-line options:

gh pr create --title "Add new feature" --body "This PR adds XXX feature." --base main

Key options:

  • --title, -t: PR title
  • --body, -b: PR body
  • --base: Target branch for the PR
  • --draft: Create as draft PR
  • --assignee, -a: User to assign to PR
  • --label, -l: Labels to add to PR
  • --milestone, -m: Milestone to connect to PR

For example, to create a draft PR and assign yourself:

gh pr create --draft --assignee @me

6. Managing PRs

After creating a PR, you can perform various management tasks using GitHub CLI.

Viewing PR List

To see the list of open PRs in the current repository:

gh pr list

You can use various filter options:

gh pr list --assignee @me --label bug --state all

This shows all PRs (open/closed) assigned to you with the ‘bug’ label.

Viewing PR Details

To view details of a specific PR:

gh pr view <PR-number>

To view PR for current branch:

gh pr view

Checking Out a PR

To checkout a specific PR locally for review:

gh pr checkout <PR-number>

Assigning Reviewers

Assigning reviewers is an important part of the code review process. You can easily assign reviewers using GitHub CLI:

gh pr edit <PR-number> --add-reviewer username1,username2

You can assign multiple reviewers at once, separated by commas. To assign a team as reviewer, prefix the team name with organization name:

gh pr edit <PR-number> --add-reviewer org-name/team-name

Performing PR Reviews

As a reviewer, you can review PRs using GitHub CLI. The review process includes:

  1. Check PR content:

    gh pr view <PR-number>
  2. Review changes:

    gh pr diff <PR-number>
  3. Submit review:

    gh pr review <PR-number>

Various review options are available:

  • Approve:

    gh pr review <PR-number> --approve -b "Changes reviewed and approved."
  • Request changes:

    gh pr review <PR-number> --request-changes -b "Please modify the following: ..."
  • Add comment only:

    gh pr review <PR-number> --comment -b "Here are some suggestions: ..."

Approving and Merging PRs

Once review is complete and all requirements are met, you can approve and merge the PR:

Approve PR:

gh pr review <PR-number> --approve

Merge PR:

gh pr merge <PR-number>

Various merge options are available:

gh pr merge <PR-number> --merge  # standard merge
gh pr merge <PR-number> --squash # squash merge
gh pr merge <PR-number> --rebase # rebase merge

7. Advanced Usage

Using Templates

You can maintain consistent PR format using templates. Create a .github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md file in your repository to define the PR template.

Checking CI Status

To check CI status of a PR:

gh pr checks <PR-number>

PR Automation

You can automate PR processes by combining GitHub Actions with GitHub CLI. This allows automatic PR creation, reviewer assignment, and status updates based on specific conditions.

8. Tips and Tricks

  1. Use aliases: Create aliases for frequently used commands:

    gh alias set prc 'pr create --draft --assignee @me'
  2. Use configuration file: Configure GitHub CLI defaults through ~/.config/gh/config.yml

  3. JSON output: Get output in JSON format for scripting:

    gh pr view <PR-number> --json number,title,state
  4. Open in browser: Open PR directly in web browser:

    gh pr view <PR-number> --web
  5. Update GitHub CLI: Regularly update GitHub CLI for new features:

    gh release upgrade

9. Conclusion

Now you know how to create and manage Pull Requests using GitHub CLI. Using GitHub CLI allows you to perform GitHub operations directly from the terminal, making your workflow more efficient. Master these PR creation and management methods, and utilize GitHub CLI’s various features to improve your development process.