Let’s dive into a detailed explanation of OAuth 2.0. We’ll examine the entire flow using GitHub OAuth as an example, then break down the implementation roles between the frontend and backend with practical examples.
What is OAuth 2.0?
OAuth 2.0 is a standard protocol for securely delegating third-party access to user data. In simpler terms, it’s a protocol used when a user wants to grant another application access to their data. It’s commonly used in implementing login systems, allowing users to sign in using their accounts from other services.
OAuth 2.0 Terminology
Before we proceed, let’s clarify the key terms used in OAuth 2.0:
- Resource Owner: The owner of the protected resource - the user.
- Client: The application seeking access to protected resources on behalf of the Resource Owner (the application we’re building).
- Resource Server: The server hosting the protected resources (e.g., GitHub’s API server).
- Authorization Server: The server that handles authentication and issues access tokens.
OAuth 2.0 Flow
Let’s break down the entire flow step by step using GitHub OAuth as an example.
1. Application Registration
Before starting the OAuth flow, developers need to register their application with GitHub.
- Create a new OAuth App in GitHub’s Developer Settings.
- Enter the application name, homepage URL, and Authorization callback URL.
- GitHub will issue a Client ID and Client Secret.
2. Authorization Request
When a user clicks the “Login with GitHub” button, the following process begins:
- The Frontend Client redirects the user to GitHub’s Authorization endpoint.
- URL structure:
1 2 3 4 5 client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID &redirect_uri=YOUR_CALLBACK_URL &scope=user &state=RANDOM_STRING
: Client ID issued by GitHubredirect_uri
: URL to redirect to after authenticationscope
: Requested permission scope (e.g., user, repo)state
: Random string to prevent CSRF attacks
The user enters their credentials on the GitHub login page.
GitHub shows the requested permissions to the user and asks for approval.
3. Authorization Grant
- After user approval, GitHub redirects to the specified
query parameters.
- Redirect URL example:
: Temporary authorization codestate
: Must match the state value sent in the request
- The Frontend Client receives this temporary code and sends it to the Backend Client.
4. Access Token Request
- The Backend Client sends the temporary code, client_id, and client_secret to GitHub’s token endpoint.
- Sends a POST request to
- Request body example:
1 2 3 4
- GitHub validates this information.
5. Access Token Grant
- Upon successful validation, GitHub issues an access token to the Backend Client.
- Response example:
1 2 3 4 5
{ "access_token": "gho_16C7e42F292c6912E7710c838347Ae178B4a", "token_type": "bearer", "scope": "user" }
- The Backend Client securely stores this access token.
6. Protected Resource Access
- The Backend Client uses the access token to request user information from the GitHub API.
- Sends a GET request to
- Includes the access token in the header:
Authorization: token ACCESS_TOKEN
- GitHub validates the token and returns the requested user information.
7. User Authentication Complete
The Backend Client uses the received user information to authenticate the user or create an account in its system (e.g., registration).
The user is now logged into the Client application.
This completes the GitHub OAuth flow.
Role Distribution Between Frontend and Backend
Frontend (React) Responsibilities:
- Create a Login with GitHub button that redirects users to GitHub’s Authorization page when clicked.
- Receive the temporary authorization code from the callback URL and send it to the backend.
Backend (Spring Boot) Responsibilities:
- Request an access token using the temporary authorization code received from the frontend.
- Use the access token to fetch user information from the GitHub API.
- Authenticate the user or create an account in the system using the user information.
Implementation Examples
Frontend (React) - Example
- Implementing the GitHub Login Button:
- Callback Handling:
Backend (Golang-net/http) - Example
- Package and Constants Definition:
- Define main function, set up router and start server:
- Implement callback handler:
- Implement access token request function:
- Implement user information request function:
OAuth 2.0 is a standard protocol for securely delegating access to user data. Through this implementation guide, we’ve seen how to properly implement GitHub OAuth in both frontend and backend systems while maintaining security and following best practices.